Some Kinda Voodoo Magic

7 Jun

It’s Lollipop Tuesday.  Awwww Yeah.

I’ve gotta say: I’ve always been put off by fortune tellers, tarot card readers, and gypsies of all kinds.  I question their methods, I often label them hacks, and may forever wonder what mysteries are within their curious tents, shacks, and homes.

But hey, I’ve got a blog to keep.  So when I passed by one of the aforementioned gypsies at a local arts fest this past weekend, I moseyed on over for a Tarot Card Reading.

The Fortune Teller

Photo by "aussiegal". Things I like about her: 1) She's on WordPress 2) She's done a 365 Project. Click the image to check out her blog.

I have to admit – the fact that she was positioned directly beside a hunched over old man who asked for donations as he enthusiastically mumbled along to his karaoke machine slightly affected her credibility.  But let’s face it: I didn’t give her much to start with.  What did she have to lose?

I expect tarot card readers to have a big scarf wrapped around their hair and to reek of incense, but this particular fortune-teller was a rather attractive brunette with a strong New York accent.  And she didn’t ask for anything but tips. So basically, I could have her do a reading and pay her 50 cents.  I was pretty down with that.

For the record, I did not pay her 50 cents.  In fact, I paid her well.  Especially considering she played cards for money.

When I sat down, I let her know that I had no idea how any of this worked and she could feel free to treat me like a kindergartener.   She told me to shuffle the cards but to not think of anything negative while I did.  So I shuffled, trying to fill my mind with thoughts of puppies and sprinkles.  

The first card she drew was a dead body with knives in its back.

Apparently I’m not so fantastic at sending good vibes into cards, but hey – she said I’d live a long and prosperous life so I’m all right.   I never really buy in to psychic business or astrology columns in the newspaper.  Of course everyone kind find truth in ambiguous generalisms and that’s usually all they amount to.  But in my “keep an open mind, try new things” mentality, I must admit that this woman was rather strikingly accurate in her relay of information.

I recently got a promotion, recently had my trust betrayed, and have always struggled getting to sleep at night thanks to a thought-burdened mind.  That was all in there, and it was pretty darn specific.  She even got the timeline right.

A friend (and blog reader) was with me and decided to dive in right after.   She was told there was a big move in her future and she just happens to be moving to The Big Apple in a few months.  Had she given me my friend’s reading and my reading to my friend, she would have been wildly inaccurate.


I’m  not saying I’m on board necessarily, but I actually thought it was pretty cool.  I didn’t have anything to lose considering she wasn’t charging me a specific fee.  And though her advice to stop carrying such a burden on my shoulders was probably more due to my terrible posture than a strong intuition, I have to admit that the experience was pretty groovy.   And eerily specific.

She did tell me I ‘needed my aura cleansed’, which she didn’t say to my friend.  I’m not sure what that means but I’m sure I can take care of it with a shower and a decent aromatic body wash.

There was one thing she said that I’ll be interested to keep an eye out for.  Something about a jealous woman in my life, an upcoming dispute with her, and her advice to walk away.  Since everything she said about my past was accurate, I’m curious to see whether she’s any good at the future.

I’ve got my eye on you, ladies. 



21 Responses to “Some Kinda Voodoo Magic”

  1. Seasweetie June 7, 2011 at 9:09 am #

    I sense an aura cleansing for an upcoming Lollipop Tuesday…


    • Renee Mason June 7, 2011 at 9:55 am #

      That’s a fabulous idea! Jackie, are you listening, because we’re waiting!!


      • Jackie June 7, 2011 at 7:53 pm #

        I certainly hear you. With all those exclamation points, how could I not? 😉


    • pegoleg June 7, 2011 at 10:33 am #

      Good idea! I imagine aura cleansing must involve some sort of suppository.


      • KristenSays June 7, 2011 at 10:55 am #

        i’ve heard full colonic, but then again, i’m insanely jealous of jackie. [i’ll cut you]



        • Jackie June 7, 2011 at 7:50 pm #

          LOL nothing like “I’ll cut you” beside a winky face to give a giggle.


      • Jackie June 7, 2011 at 7:50 pm #

        aaahaha gross.


    • Jackie June 7, 2011 at 7:53 pm #

      perhaaaaaps 😛


  2. misswhiplash June 7, 2011 at 9:42 am #

    As long as it is not taken seriously, no harm can be done. However I do think that there is some basis to Tarot Cards etc.
    I had my Tarot Cards done over 20 years ago by a friend of my daughter. No tent, no crystal ball, just her kitchen table. BUT what she told me has all happened, even though it was not immediate and I had forgotten all about it.
    I went to see a clairvoyant a couple of weeks ago and she did Tarot. I shall remember what she said and see if that comes true…I do hope so….Then I will tell you what it was

    love P


    • Jackie June 7, 2011 at 7:53 pm #

      Oh please do! How exciting 🙂


  3. Jessica June 7, 2011 at 10:05 am #

    I really get a kick out of your blog! And I love your concept of lollipop Tuesdays. The idea of doing at least one new thing every week is so simple and yet really clever. It’s got me thinking about how often I try new things and about how open I am to new things. Thanks for the food for thought. 🙂


    • Jackie June 7, 2011 at 7:52 pm #

      Hey, thanks Jessica. I’m so glad I’ve given you something to chew on. Really think the next time you turn a friend down for an event or you decide not to go in a restaurant why you chose not to do it – It’s making a world of difference for me and I’m not even halfway done.


  4. Ro June 7, 2011 at 10:15 am #

    I say it every year, but I truly mean it this time- next time I end up at the Renn. Faire (usually early fall) I plan on hitting up the tarot card booth. I’m curious myself. I always figure, even if their talent is purly intuition and observation, that’s still pretty impressive. I’ll have to let you know how it goes.


    • Jackie June 7, 2011 at 7:50 pm #

      Do it. Do it. DO IT! DOOOO IT!


      • Jackie June 7, 2011 at 7:50 pm #

        wait. I want to go to the Ren Faire. Let’s gooooo.


  5. Jules June 7, 2011 at 2:51 pm #

    I just had a flashback from an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern.(Travel Ch.) Maybe you could benefit from this type of “cleansing”. >_>


    • Jackie June 7, 2011 at 7:48 pm #

      Very interesting – perhaps I can convince my friends to spit on me and rub strange things on my body.


      • Jules June 11, 2011 at 2:23 am #

        Hahaha! If this happens, make sure you get it on video. Somewhere on the corners of the interwebs… there will be a disturbing demand for that type of fetish. Uhhh…okay…that was totally creepy. Shutting up now.


        • Jackie June 11, 2011 at 9:44 pm #


          Weeeell I have a few friends who read the post and want their aura cleansed as well. I think it may actually be in my future..


  6. bridgesburning June 7, 2011 at 3:00 pm #

    What a charming experience to have..I had a reading once and she was accurate about the past..dead on and specific but she was weak on the future!


    • Jackie June 7, 2011 at 7:47 pm #

      ah so maybe there’s no angry female in my future after all. what a relief 😉


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