The Homecoming

15 Jun

The world returned my cat to me at approximately 8:05 yesterday morning.

I was getting ready for work and could have sworn I heard a mewing coming from somewhere.   I stopped everything and listened as closely as possible – as if the slightest movement could spook the sound I could have been imagining.

I thought about the blog.  I thought about you all telling me to search the walls, search the ceiling, the trash can, the inside of the couch – everything.  My mind was absolutely overwhelmed with possibilities.

Luckily, Dave was much more clear-minded and opened a window to look outside.  There, he found our little Hobbes, sitting below the window all wide-eyed and mewing at the top of his lungs for someone to pull him out of the big, bad, outside world.

When he excitedly called Hobbes’ name, it was my cue.  I immediately threw on whatever the closest body coverings were (which happened to be a native american patterned shirt and a leopard print blue mini skirt – no joke) and sprinted out the front door with wild abandon.

Unfortunately, there is a bus stop directly outside my apartment.   There’s nothing like a braless, native-american-themed hoochie mama sprinting out her front door to really spice up the cubicle conversations for the day. 

I consider it a service to them.   

I found my little Hobbesinator right below David’s bedroom window, where he crouched into a little ball of feline frustration and continued to mew his heart out all the way back inside.  And up the stairs.  And into the apartment.  And in the middle of the living room.

Oh right – food.

I was so gosh golly excited to see the little furball (and in one piece!) that I seemed to overlook the fact that he might be, oh I don’t know – hungry?  

He crunched and crunched and slept and slept all day.   He’s even endured my poking, prodding and flea-hunting.  What a champ.

And so the great kitten mystery is over.  I spent my entire day smiling and celebrating his homecoming and thinking of how many concerned readers tuned in, left encouragement, and offered to send thoughts and prayers.  And while I can’t prove whether all ya’ll’s concerns and prayers were the reason he returned, I’m pretty darn sure they were.  

Thank you.  


31 Responses to “The Homecoming”

  1. egills June 15, 2011 at 9:07 am #

    Fantastic news! So glad he came back and more importantly is ok!
    ( chuckling about the attire )


  2. Seasweetie June 15, 2011 at 9:13 am #

    Yea!!!!!! I’m so happy that the little man had his adventure and is home safe!!!


  3. Jessica June 15, 2011 at 9:25 am #

    Yay!!! So happy to hear he’s home. 🙂


  4. misswhiplash June 15, 2011 at 9:30 am #

    I am so HAPPY!

    there is a lot to be said for prayers. It worked for the return of my cat Stumpy and now it has worked for you.
    I am so pleased that Hobbes is home safely again and what a beautiful cat he is.

    love to you all and a kiss for Hobbes X



    • Jackie June 16, 2011 at 12:40 am #

      Thank you, P! I’m so glad to have him back and I’m so thankful for those long distance prayers.


  5. Louie June 15, 2011 at 9:47 am #

    wahoo!! HOBBS is BACK! I’m so happy. I’ve been patiently waiting by the computer for your update. I am so very glad my brother is safe and sound.Now don’t let him out again! No matter who visits make sure they take caution as to where my little brother goes. Even if he does hate me I want him to come visit me from time to time so I can chase the tar out of him. Oh, what happy reunion! I’ll just lay here and take a nap and dream of chasing him again.


  6. bridgesburning June 15, 2011 at 9:51 am #

    WOW I wasn’t sure Hobbs would get back! Yaaa! And I think the neighborhood should applaud your style choice for cat rescuing!!


    • Jackie June 16, 2011 at 12:39 am #

      LOL Weeell I live in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood so unless I come out in all black and a slight ‘suggestion’ of color, I’m not likely to be applauded for anything at all. 😉


  7. pegoleg June 15, 2011 at 10:06 am #

    Bet he’ll be telling of his adventures for the rest of his life. Whenever another cat starts to tell a story, he’ll chime in: “That’s nothing. Why, when I got out in ’11, some of the things that happened would curl your hair…”

    So glad Hobbes is safe and sound!


    • Jackie June 16, 2011 at 12:38 am #

      I don’t even want to think about where he’s been or what he’s done. Ew. A groomer might be in his near future. You know, after some of the stress subsides. Speaking of which – how’s your little crazy one?


      • pegoleg June 16, 2011 at 9:55 am #

        I tried switching litter, but it didn’t seem to help. Now she’s peeing on the rubber mat next to her litter box, which has been there for months. After cleaning it daily, I took it away and last night she went in the box. I don’t know why. She won’t tell me.

        I’m considering telling Beeby about Hobbes, making it sound like a grand adventure and accidentally leaving the door kinda open.


        • Jackie June 18, 2011 at 1:11 pm #

          Well at least she’s on the rubber mat? 🙂 Poor Beeby. Put her on the therapist’s chair and make her open up to you.


  8. KristenSays June 15, 2011 at 11:02 am #

    I AM SO HAPPY HOBBES IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!
    even though I have to leave my house in less than 2 minutes, I had to log on to see if you’d found Hobbes! I haven’t been able to stop worrying about him!

    It seriously is gut-wrenching when we lose one of our little ones, and I am so so so happy that this story has a happy ending. This will be the best Wednesday you’ve ever had!! 🙂


    • KristenSays June 15, 2011 at 11:04 am #

      oh and p.s. i really hope you changed before you left for work… 😉


    • Jackie June 16, 2011 at 12:37 am #

      I’m so honored that you only had a few minutes and you used it to check up on my kitten drama 🙂 Thank you so much – And it’s been a fantastic day!


  9. Renee Mason June 15, 2011 at 11:52 am #

    Can you just imagine his enormous relief to be back in his house, and have a full tummy again? Go Hobbes!!!


    • Jackie June 16, 2011 at 12:36 am #

      He was a completely different cat when I picked him up from outside. It’s so nice to see him getting back to his old self. Hunger changes you. haha


  10. thesinglecell June 15, 2011 at 11:52 am #

    Oh, hooray! Though you realize, you had thought your forgetfulness at the feeding of the cats might have been the reason he had defected in the first place.. 😉 So glad to hear he’s home safe after his little Rumspringa!


    • Jackie June 16, 2011 at 12:35 am #

      Note to self: feed cats regularly 😛


  11. lexy3587 June 15, 2011 at 2:06 pm #

    Yay for Hobbes’ return!
    and lol… a cat wanders off on his own then complains bitterly that it’s your fault he’s hungry, and that you’re not carrying him fast enough back to the apartment when he finally bothers to return 😉 how like a cat.


    • Jackie June 16, 2011 at 12:34 am #

      So true. But it’s such a lovable sort of fickle. 🙂


  12. mctell2 June 15, 2011 at 8:24 pm #

    I suppose the reason I consider each day the only day in my life is because of my cats.. They are gone now while I remain, but never a day did I take for granted.


    • Jackie June 16, 2011 at 12:32 am #

      It’s incredible how much joy they bring 🙂


  13. wordsweneversaid June 15, 2011 at 8:25 pm #

    Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is FABULOUS news!!!!!



  14. The_Observationalist_NYC June 15, 2011 at 11:12 pm #

    Yay! Such great news!


  15. everevie June 16, 2011 at 11:46 am #

    Goyagrrl sent me here to read about your cat coming home…as I’ve lost one of my sweet furry felines. She’s been gone a week…and I’ve looked and looked…called her name…put out catnip (she’s a druggie)…went to the shelter looking for her…put up flyers. 😦

    Boo! Hopefully she’s just out cattin around.

    Oh…and I’m for sure going to check my sock drawers (after having read your other post)…hmm…


    • Jackie June 18, 2011 at 1:06 pm #

      Oh Evie, there’s nothing I can say that will make you feel better – even though lots of bloggers stopped by and left there love for me and the MIA Hobbes, there isn’t anything that can make you feel better than her showing up at your door. So although I’ll tell you not to lose hope and that some folks’ cats came back after a month of being gone – all I can really say is that your thoughts are with you and your little girl and that I sincerely hope she gets hungry and winds up at your door.


      • everevie June 19, 2011 at 11:47 pm #

        Oh my gosh Jackie…I found her today!! Someone called in rssponse to a flyer I left up. She’s contentedly sleeping on my tummy now…and I’m so happy! Almost 2 weeks after losing her. 🙂


        • Jackie June 20, 2011 at 9:09 pm #

          Evie!!! That’s such wonderful news!!! 🙂 How fantastic of someone to call you – I’m so ecstatic for you and your little furball. Enjoy watching her recuperate 🙂


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